Christina Klose, ALC
Christina is a Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist Associate (LCAS-A) in North Carolina and an Associate Licensed Counselor (ALC) here in Alabama. She practices in Alabama under the supervision of Courtney Benjamin. She is also a practicing therapist in North Carolina. Christina brings over 8 years of clinical experience working with individuals struggling with drug, alcohol, and gambling addictions, in addition to co-occurring disorders.
Christina believes: Life is not meant to be walked through alone. I will walk with you through your journey of substance abuse or mental health concerns to find your balance, light, and grounding. Reaching out can be challenging and uncomfortable and I applaud you for getting this far. In our work together, we will collaborate in finding hope and healing. With several years of diverse counseling experience, my passion is to help you find brighter days ahead.
Christina offers telehealth services for clients throughout the state of Alabama who may be navigating the following: addiction, issues with self esteem/self worth, adjustment to roles, relationship issues, depression, anxiety, and/or veterans’ affairs. She is not currently accepting insurance, but is open to discussing a feasible rate in consideration of income.
Mikala Pickens, ALC
Mikala is an Associate Licensed Counselor, practicing with my supervision. She possesses experience and skills in helping others navigate life’s transitions, grief, explosive anger, stress, anxiety, and depression. She has extensive experience in treating young adults navigating the college experience. She is currently accepting new clients, and has evening and weekend availability for in office and Telehealth appointments. She is not currently accepting insurance, but offers sliding scale options in consideration of income.